Riyadh city south phase 1 –N2-AGC
Precautionary Measure Taken To Avoid The Spreading Of Covid-19
All workforce including the staff was underwent testing at Al Geemi camp.

All positive resultswere quarantinedunder ZonesCorp., the infected employees were monitored until they tested negative. Once the employee got two (2) negative test results he was discharged by the ZoneCorp/Health/Authority. However, additional 14 days quarantine was advised before resuming work.

As a part of the program of Modon and the UAE government, to prevent the spread of covid-19 at the project Al Geemi continuously applied precautionary measures.

Al Geemi Contracting management took up social responsibility to support the society by donation of blood plasma. We sent five (5) employees for the initial test to the blood bank and three (3) were eligible to donate, out of which two (2) donated. They were awarded a safety award for the month of May for their initiative as an employee of Al Geemi Contracting.