Fire Evacuation Drill

A fire evacuation drill was conducted in AGP Complex on 25-02-2021 at 10:50 AM. Mr. Magdy was the drill coordinator together with Mr. Khalid and Mr. Ashiqe, HSE officers advised the firefighting team on how to evacuate and prevent fire breaks out.

Fire destroys property, causes injuries, and takes lives. One of the key strategies to maintain a safe workplace is conducting a fire safety drill.

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With proper training, workers can eliminate fire hazards and respond quickly if a fire breaks out. Without proper training, a small occurrence can immediately grow to become a major incident with devastating outcomes.

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Safety drills can teach workers how to recognize fire hazards, conduct a safety risk assessment, preventive measures, and respond if it occurs. Knowledgeable workers can significantly contribute to having a safe workplace.

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Everyone in the workplace must be prepared in case a fire breaks out. Workers need to know what to do in case it occurs and how to work together to effectively stop the advance of a fire.

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In addition to potential injury and loss of life, a serious fire can close down a workplace resulting in significant job losses. It is possible to reduce the threat to people and property by teaching everyone to act together to prevent fire with comprehensive safety training.

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The Fire Drill was successful. All the Emergency Respond Teams such as Security Guards, Fire Brigades, Safety Assistants, the Electrical, Mechanical, and Administration Team as well as the tenants cooperated properly and responded quickly.

By making fire safety a priority and ensuring employees know what to do when the disaster strikes, we can minimize the damage and save lives in the process.